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 War for fun (Prefer below level 120)

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Posts : 304
Join date : 2007-12-19
Age : 36

War for fun (Prefer below level 120) Empty
PostSubject: War for fun (Prefer below level 120)   War for fun (Prefer below level 120) EmptySun Apr 20, 2008 1:09 pm

- We do not agree to spawn camping as it takes the fun out of the war.
- We don't mind rematching if people dc or crash out and we hope you won't mind rematching if our people dc or crashes out.
- We don't take guild wars seriously as it is something for fun. There will be no bashing regardless if we win or loose unless cheating was involved. We hope you will do the same.
- For fun Very Happy
- Not for the league/bonus play.
- Priest: we lack lower level priest, therefore I (a priest myself) or another priest may buff my members however we will try and match your priest's buffs. I will also not fight but just stand around the side buffing so make sure you team does not kill that priest or me.
- 6vs6 or 8vs8.

Provide the following information:
Guild name:
Level Range: (we will try and best to match it)
6vs6 or 8vs8?
Time in PST or GMT: (the times your guild would be able to make the war)

A response will be made whether we accept or not. We will let you know if we can not match your range and maybe arrange something else.

Note: Prefered time for us would be 7am GMT and 11pm - 1am GMT.

Please try to be prepared at least 15mins before the war so can get started in time.

If your guild can't make it for the war, please let us know as soon as possible (24hrs before prefered) and will cancel the war.
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War for fun (Prefer below level 120)
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